Royal Spanish Mint - FNMT
Should you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact us by any of the following means: Phone: (+34) 91 566 66 66 (General).
Or if wish to contact Ceres (the Electronic Certificates Dept.): (+ 34) 91 740 69 82 / 91 704 01 91
Postal Address:
Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre - (Royal Spanish Mint) c/ Jorge Juan, 106, 28009 Madrid. (See where we are)
Fábrica de Papel de Burgos, (Burgos Paper Mill). Avda. Costa Rica, 2. 09001 Burgos. Phone: (+34) 947 46 20 10.
Contacts in the FNMT-RCM:
- CERES (Electronic Certificates): (+ 34) 91 740 69 82 / 91 704 01 91
- Press:
- Commercial Graphic Products:
- Online Shop: (+ 34) 915 666 792 / 535 / 824
- Museum Shop: (+ 34) 915 666 542
- Collector Coins: (+ 34) 915 666 574
- Human Resources Department: (+ 34) 915 666 835
- Commercial Department Secretariat: (+ 34) 915 666 556
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