Smart Grids
Smart Grids
A smart grid is an evolved electrical grid system, able to manage electricity demand in a sustainable, reliable and economical way. Smart grids are based on the use of an advanced infrastructure, aimed at facilitating the integration of all stakeholders.
To satisfy both the growing demand for energy and the need to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide, we need an electrical system that can handle these challenges in a sustainable, reliable and economical way.
Smart grids are able to respond to demand in real time in order to help balance power consumption with supply, and also have the potential to integrate new technologies that allow energy storage for devices and large-scale use of electric vehicles.
Currently, electricity networks are evolving with the aim of improving reliability and reducing power losses, capital expenditures and maintenance costs. A smarter grid will provide greater control over energy costs and more reliable power supply to consumers. The environmental benefits of a smarter electricity network include reducing peak demand, the integration of more renewable energy sources and reducing CO2 and other pollutants emissions.
An application closer to the people would be the "smart meters", which are able to collect exactly the data consumption of each house hourly and automatically send it to the operator, with no need for the technician to take the reading. Therefore, billing is more accurate.
Other advantages:
- Outage time due to breakdowns is reduced, since it is easier to identify the problem.
- Modifications of contracted electric load can be made remotely without a technician's visit.
- No estimated readings. All are real.
- Total transparency. These counters are monitored and can not be manipulated.