Games of Chance
Games of Chance
Under the common denominator of games of chance, the FNMT-RCM makes a wide range of products with very different features, both in the manufacturing process of the tickets and slips and in the mechanics of the game itself. This leads to the production lines being specifically suited to the technical requirements of each product. The efforts of the FNMT-RCM have contributed to the development and the prestige of these games of chance which, to judge by the confidence they generate and the expectations they arouse, are widely accepted by the public.
Secure gaming
The first concern of the organizers of gaming and betting, and also of the Administration, is the assurance that the tickets or slips that they issue cannot be forged or tampered with. In this regard, the FNMT-RCM, with its long-standing experience in this field, offers its clients complete security. The use of watermarked paper, invisible inks and other security measures allows any forgery to be detected on the spot. When the slip carries a number or an individualized element on which the game is based, this is protected in such a way that any attempt to tamper with it will damage the slip beyond repair.
Specific technology
Within the specific technology that the FNMT-RCM applies to this type of work, the National Lottery personalization system ranks foremost. This enables the lottery tickets to be numbered in accordance with the method for distribution to the lottery vendors that are spread over the whole country. This makes for better distribution and enables subscriptions of specific numbers to be considered. For bingo, the quantities of cards that make up the game necessitate the use of a specific machine to collate all the sheets in the sets.
Typical products
The major products in this line of activity include:
- National lottery tickets
- Bingo cards
- State-run betting slips and lottery tickets (Football, Bonoloto, Primitiva, etc.)
- Licenses and tags for gaming machines